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Control Rebels

Control Rebels 2021-DSC_3843-Vrijstaand02-zonder roy

Our Story

We are organizers, designers, and doers, focused on solving your GRC challenges, wherever you are. We rely on the knowledge and experience of our workforce to make this a success. Growth is not our goal but meeting quality expectations is. We strive to achieve this by staying close to our core values.




Our workforce consists of people with a variety of complementary skills and backgrounds. Combined we can cover your entire produce lifecycle, from RFP to implementation and post go-live maintenance.


Straightforward/keep it simple

The user community do not always accept highly complex solutions. The complexity often lies in keeping things simple. We understand this and therefor adapt straightforward communication on do’s and don’ts while maintaining a simple/visualized implementation approach.



We’ve seen that every client is different and every delivery asks for an approach that best serves the client. We’ve always been able to adapt. From working in a Waterfall like manner, to Agile, Spiral or what have you. Be it between nine to five, late in the evening or in weekends. The goal is to get the job done, within time, budget and jointly agreed quality expectations.



Impediments are part of every project, there are no exceptions. Our strength lies in how we anticipate these hurdles, tackle them, and in close collaboration with you, persevere in creating sustainable solutions. We’ve been here before and will be prepared for it in the future.



Working with a third party often is a huge investment. This is all about having a proper agreement, transparency and trust. This is not given; it needs to be earned. Every new engagement, for us, means a new opportunity to gain trust. What a client wants is not always what a client needs and what a client needs, is not always what we can offer. Being open and honest with our (potential) clients has built trust in the past and will build trust in the future, creation long lasting relationships.